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Clapping Audience



This initiative is aimed at uniting faith and community organizations in the fight for Racial and Social Justice by displaying a Banner outside their facility. So many of our organizations already display banners with messages fighting racism and promoting social justice. The goal of the Street Banner Initiative is to create a unified banner, one that speaks with a common voice and shows the unity of purpose. The power of a consistent message, displayed on banners in highly visible locations, throughout our community will attract attention.


Imagine if every faith and community organization put up the same banner promoting the same message in the fight against Racial and Social injustice? Throughout history, people have rallied behind a unifying symbol with powerful effects. The Street Banner Initiative is the first step, a way to catch people's attention and provide them with a symbol for a cause they want to be part of and promote to do their part to bring about change. Our Street Banner Initiative is one way we "Build a Beloved Community" by proclaiming the dream.

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Protest Signs

Street banner initiative


The RRC is dedicated to providing and being a portal to the best sources of education and training in the areas of racial equality and social justice. Through a series of in-person and online seminars addressing subjects like White Privilege, AntiRacism, Systemic Racism, Racial Disparity in Education, Racial Profiling in Policing, and Racial Bias in the Workplace we create the awareness and open the discussion on acknowledging racial and social injustice in our community. We will also provide a platform for and facilitate Story Telling and Listening Sessions to share experiences and deepen our understanding of the long-term effects of racism on our society.  Through all our training and education programs we stress the concept of "Building a Beloved Community" and focus on the Tennant of "Repairing the Breach". 

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The RRC will create a Speaker series where we will have noted Authors and speakers come in on a quarterly basis for Seminars, Question & Answer sessions and Meet and Greets after the events. Through these high profile keynote speakers we will bring new people to our movement and invigorate existing members to continue working toward "Building the Beloved Community" and reaching a better understanding of the four Tenants of a Beloved Community - "Telling the Truth about Race", "Proclaiming the Dream of a Beloved Community", "Practicing the Way of Love", and "Repairing the Breach in Society and Institutions".

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speaker series

Children Embracing in Circle

The RRC will be establishing content that engages youth in discussions on race, racial reconciliation, and social justice. We will support the development of programs that offer mentorship and tutoring programs to our youth and renew an effort to grow the Black Saga program in Elementary and Middle Schools throughout the county as a way to empower youth and connect them with their rich history.  One of the critical ages to reach is young adults. We will aim to develop programs for youth leadership, College Prep, and Career Counseling. Engaging our youth assures the promise of sustaining a  Beloved Community for the future.


Work with members of the Collaborative to increase engagement and awareness within the community through publishing a monthly e-mailed newsletter. The e-newsletter features a calendar of events and happenings. It includes articles about what other organizations are doing in the area of racial reconciliation. Each month we will have an interview with an RRC member group and discuss their organization, what they do, and how being a part of the Racial Reconciliation Collaborative has benefited their members and the immediate community. The e-newsletter will also have an op-ed section and offer a forum for discussion. Becoming a "Beloved Community" is essential for over coming Racism and promoting equality. Sign up below!

Image by Brett Jordan


Newsletter Subscripton
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